organic buckwheat

Organic Buckwheat

Organic Buckwheat groats (Fagopyrum esculentum) are the small angular seeds of the buckwheat plant. Often mistaken for a cereal grain, this gluten-free cousin of rhubarb is actually not related to wheat. 

Possible certifications

The word “groats” refers to seeds that have been freed from their hulls; typically groats are more easily digested than whole seeds. Buckwheat groats are the whole, hulled form of buckwheat. They are excellent for use in salads, stuffings and pilafs. Buckwheat boasts higher levels of the essential minerals copper, iron, zinc, potassium and manganese than other cereal grains.

Industrial uses

Organic Buckwheat can be used as an ingredient for salads, stuffing, pilafs and more… The most general application is to fill them in pouches for retail.


Eastern Europe or India

Bulk Packaging

  • 25 kg bag

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